A mesmerising, dream-like world of a lone ranger, wolves and birds.
WeWereMonkeys began in 2007 when Mihai Wilson & Davide Di Saro created an insane stream of consciousness stop-motion animation for Malajube�s Le Crabe, which was nominated for the 2007 MTV People�s Choice Video Award. They successfully followed this with the production of a second video for Malajube�s Ton Plat Favori, which was featured in the 2008 Independent Music Video Festival.
Davide and Mihai share a love of invention and of experimenting with new techniques and technologies. They are very hands-on with their work, and their diverse skillsets allow them to play almost all roles in producing a video. From 3D rendering to set construction, photography and illustration, they do it all. They believe working with multiple mediums leads to entirely new ideas and creative processes.
Check out more of their work at www.weweremonkeys.com
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