Design graduate Steven Watkins sees the world a little differently to the rest of us. Melbourne's urban spaces are magically transformed in 'Float' an episode from his video podcast Backspace, which showcases short films designed to stir your imagination.
User Review
Steven, this is still
an amazing film. 500,000
views on youtube count
for something. What are
you up to these days?
this is creative! love
it! =]
cooool - Marcus
Go Steve!!
Yo! Steve, it's
absolute genius!
Stevie I'm still blown
away by everything you
from you know who!
GO class="caps">STEVE
Steve dis is great
keep it up
sweet as movie, great
creativity must run in
the family.
Stevie, you are a
that was wack why
dosen't any body notice
the damn letters takeing
over the world i'ts a
consiracy and a damn good
one too nice work...nice
Excellent work!!
Hey Stephen - if
you're ever in Singapore
- look me up - i got so
many signs you cld do
something about!
such a simple concept.
it's amazing how easy it
is to watch. liked the
music too.
really well done
very nice Stephen.
some shots remind me of
the sentinels from the
Matrix films. keep on
keepin on
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