I'm a sucker for stop
motion photography and
there has been some great
ones used in music
videos. I'm really happy
to have seen this one and
add it to my list of all
time favorites. the story
progressed really nicely
too! thought the nod to
the Ring was nice. Is it
just me or does the
singer remind any else of
Christina Ricci? love
your work both song and
clip - Marcus
merilynn.tan said:
this is great! i got
inspired from this clips!
KARMA said:
NO Do_oM your a tool
more precisly a spanner.
Now that clip was freken
awsome top motion you say
..nice but the song that
was some what depressing
now all i whant to do is
kill some one, not my
self becaus i'm afaid of
death but some one else
Stop motion video made entirely with over 16,000 digital photos. A tale of life, death and the infinite from the album 'Spiked Soul'. Produced by Matt Carter.
User Review
I'm a sucker for stop
motion photography and
there has been some great
ones used in music
videos. I'm really happy
to have seen this one and
add it to my list of all
time favorites. the story
progressed really nicely
too! thought the nod to
the Ring was nice. Is it
just me or does the
singer remind any else of
Christina Ricci? love
your work both song and
clip - Marcus
this is great! i got
inspired from this clips!
NO Do_oM your a tool
more precisly a spanner.
Now that clip was freken
awsome top motion you say
..nice but the song that
was some what depressing
now all i whant to do is
kill some one, not my
self becaus i'm afaid of
death but some one else
wow. compelling,
magnetic, intoxicating
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