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Music Video / 6 comments / 38 ratings / 1548 views /
bloomer said:
I love the song, and the clip is an exceptional piece of design and editing. Excellent! Also reminds me of my irrational love for my computer.
Natale said:
It's ingenious, what more to say. From now it's my tabletop music video.
DArcyFD said:
nice concept and execution.
TattoodMaMa said:
I love this song, and lo and behold, I found this on class="caps">YOUTUBEn>! This is incredible. Great job from a fellow Mac geek.
macnerd77 said:
i love video. and The Bird and the Bee are my fav. I hope you win. You Deserve it
portableandrew said:
I've never see this before, it's pretty interesting
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Director: Dennis Liu Duration: 00:02:46 Year: 2007 Created at: USA Festival Year: 2008
Some mac dexterity on display for The Bird and the Bee!
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User Review
I love the song, and
the clip is an
exceptional piece of
design and editing.
Excellent! Also reminds
me of my irrational love
for my computer.
It's ingenious, what
more to say. From now
it's my tabletop music
nice concept and
I love this song, and
lo and behold, I found
this on class="caps">YOUTUBEn>! This is incredible.
Great job from a fellow
Mac geek.
i love video. and The
Bird and the Bee are my
fav. I hope you win. You
Deserve it
I've never see this
before, it's pretty
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