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Short Film / 8 comments / 315 ratings / 3830 views /
cineda said:
it´s great!!! i want to see GPS!!!!cineda
pineto said:
Es el ejemplo de cómo en un cortometraje se puede contar una gran historia y transmitir sentimientos.
tretoniun said:
luceluz said:
muy conmovente... y autentico. De verdad un trabajo excelente con mucho aire y amor...
pond said:
ohhh es muy bonito!!!!
ellyce said:
beautifully composed with a great concept - the only problem i had is not understanding the connection at the beginning of the film. well done!
Newton said:
Great history with wonderful actress
adrian_mng said:
great great great!!!
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Director: Diego Sanchidrian Duration: 00:20:00 Year: 2007 Created at: Spain Website: http://www.playtimeaudiovisuales.com Festival Year: 2008
Sometimes, mystifying bonds are set up between people. Bonds which overcome distance, oblivion and unawareness. And when those bonds are created, they can become what we need to survive.
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User Review
great!!! i want to see
Es el ejemplo de
cómo en un
cortometraje se puede
contar una gran historia
y transmitir
muy conmovente... y
autentico. De verdad un
trabajo excelente con
mucho aire y amor...
ohhh es muy
beautifully composed
with a great concept -
the only problem i had is
not understanding the
connection at the
beginning of the film.
well done!
Great history with
wonderful actress
great great
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