'Julia Guiliana' is an interesting film, that juxtaposes images of buildings' interiors and exteriors with grayscale images of people focussing around the heroine Julia Guiliana. Although the film has a strong grey presence this short from Manon Bovenkerk is both moving and calming in its use of classical musical accompaniment.
As the camera pans gently up, down, inside and around the drab buildings, each shot is delicately chosen in respect to the movement and formation of the concrete structures. Along with a howling wind and string section it's difficult not be become contemplative looking at these bizarre structures.
Yet the film entails a rich, humanistic element as the howling wind and violins are abandoned once we are inside the building, met with the sombre and delicate touch of a piano. Sketches are shown in black and white of people in amongst the building, that especially of the blonde Julia Guiliana. Her mood varies between laughter, sorrow and the bittersweet as the viewer attempts to piece together the narrative of her story that takes place within these towers.
'Julia Guiliana' is subtle in its plot, which makes it fascinating to interpret, yet incredibly rich in texture in the way the music and imagery both contradict yet complement each other.
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