Supermarkets in giant blowout price war? Not really.
Think of every idea you and the person next to you have ever had, and then throw it in the general direction of a screen. Then put it in fast forward, take some hallucinogenics, grow a beard so you can stroke it and go 'hmm' at the screen a lot, and you're about halfway there with this one.
Perish Factory's concoction of several shades of craziness is indescribably barmy, but is nevertheless a perfectly restless companion to Trans Am's alert, borderline blend of math/post-rock. The end result is essentially a pastiche of pastiche; a shapeshifting hybrid of animation, 8 bit computer gamery, plasticine, stop motion, cardboard construction, and some seriously digital, digital video effects. They've also previously created their own psychadelic brand of eyesores for Basement Jaxx, as well as The Sea and Cake.
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