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Get Animated / 7 comments / 19 ratings / 1257 views /
neubau said:
brilliant and funny! thx!
datisit said:
dabe said:
great work! can't imagine the amount of time and effort this would have taken to put together. very cool indeed :)
katiemac said:
interesting style but film is let down by weak narrative. Must have been a headache to make.
KARMA said:
that needed black irish ninjas in it that would have been good. you damn patient people doing all that would have taken for freken ever.
GeorgeTeurfs said:
I've viewed only about 6 of these so far, and I enjoyed this the most. It was funny, and, yes, it looked like a lot of work went into it.
louise said:
clever and very funny..
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Director: Robin King Duration: 00:03:02 Year: 2006 Created at: UK Website: http://www.standalonefilms.com Festival Year: 2007
Ten Thousand Pictures Of You uses stop-motion animation but with real actors and locations, and takes the audience on an exhilarating rollercoaster ride into, out of, through and around the animated pictures in Sarah's world in one tracking shot.
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User Review
brilliant and funny!
great work! can't
imagine the amount of
time and effort this
would have taken to put
together. very cool
indeed :)
interesting style but
film is let down by weak
narrative. Must have been
a headache to make.
that needed black
irish ninjas in it that
would have been good. you
damn patient people doing
all that would have taken
for freken ever.
I've viewed only about
6 of these so far, and I
enjoyed this the most. It
was funny, and, yes, it
looked like a lot of work
went into it.
clever and very
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