One of the great
examples of independent,
grassroots journalism
online. Conley raised
enough money to supply
Iraqi citizen journalists
with their own equipment
to produce this series
every week - it's such a
great achievement. Stick
it to the man (ie. J
Do_oM said:
there are moments like
these where I'm really
happy where the advance
of digital technology,
online networks and the
progression of making
films (that has become so
broad so that pretty much
anyone can tell their
stories) has taken us
today. This very festival
is a brilliant example of
filmmaking being a
universal means of
communication from around
the globe. it's very
inspiring - Marcus
jonesie said:
thank you for this.
thank you for showing
real iraqis outside the
usual lense of cnn and
fox news.
KARMA said:
if any one comes
to my house and starts
going at my mother damn
they'd want to hope to
high hell i was not
home...damn, more to the
point they actuly have a
point kepp that stuff
Interview series Alive in Baghdad shows the occupation through the voices of Iraqi civilians. On the fourth anniversary of the invasion, this episode presents opinions about life during the conflict to America and the rest of the world.
User Review
One of the great
examples of independent,
grassroots journalism
online. Conley raised
enough money to supply
Iraqi citizen journalists
with their own equipment
to produce this series
every week - it's such a
great achievement. Stick
it to the man (ie. J
there are moments like
these where I'm really
happy where the advance
of digital technology,
online networks and the
progression of making
films (that has become so
broad so that pretty much
anyone can tell their
stories) has taken us
today. This very festival
is a brilliant example of
filmmaking being a
universal means of
communication from around
the globe. it's very
inspiring - Marcus
thank you for this.
thank you for showing
real iraqis outside the
usual lense of cnn and
fox news.
if any one comes
to my house and starts
going at my mother damn
they'd want to hope to
high hell i was not
home...damn, more to the
point they actuly have a
point kepp that stuff
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